Saturday, December 30, 2006

BBQ - An Idiots guide

Step 1: The trick to using a Gas BBQ? Get it smoking and and slap on your meat. Ensure you have a beer in hand for this technical process involving heat and of course timing.

Step 2: Whilst waiting for the salad enjoy another cold one after all in such a hot climate one must keep the body cool and hydrated.

Step 3: Sit back, relax and tuck in.

Step 4: keep the eskies stocked and iced up.

next week I shall be cooking up the perfect snag and recommending some local brews.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas 2006 Perth WA

In the garden opening presents

Lots of reading materials

Another hot day 37 degrees In Perth WA, last year it was snowing in Ballyclare.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Disaster camera!

Thats right folks my camera has blown a gasket therefore there will be no more blogging until further notice!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Another shot from the last session

Red Bull Air race Perth

Today the red bull show rolled into town !

Saturday, November 11, 2006


A couple of shots from today, unfortunately the light was terrible and these shots where all that could be salvaged.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Thailand pt2.

We spent the night here with a local family- it is a working fishing village i spent my time here enjoying this unique village and how its day unfolds

Guess which hand was bitten by a bull ant?

James Bond Island

Yes there where monkeys!

breath taking sunsets

Leaving Railey via the trusty long boat!

Snacks in Bangkok


Mohican Poodle!?

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Well as promised i have finally taken the time to compile some of the better frames from our two week holiday in Thailand. I have placed the images in the order they where taken to give you a flavor of our trip.

The grand Palace Bangkok

Big Bhudda

Me and the Monkeys i know i should have down the monkey pose!

The Journey South toward Ko Samui Overnight Train was fun this vehicle included no mod cons however it did have a party carraige which homed its own karaoke session and lady boys for hire.

This is a Songthaew or Baht Bus - either way it is a piece of shit and we spent a lot of time in the back of these vehicles experiencing breakneck speeds and near death experiences.

This Mummified Monk is about 60 years preserved, the best part is the blues brother shades. Quite disturbing really.

Ko Sok National Park - A rain forest region, a real jewel unfortunately for us it lived up to the name rainforest and rained for exactly 48hrs!

Our canoeing day trip turned out to be a 60minute passenger ride in an inflable toy boat, It was still fun though and we spotted numerous snakes, monkeys and a BIG lizard.

Then we waited some more before being transported to a village on stilts and the infamous 'James Bond Island'

Next Installment coming soon........

Thursday, September 28, 2006

New Number!

Hi mom take down my new number :

Dialing Northern Ireland to Perth : 00 61 8 93131155

Cheers x

Random Selection

Random Selection

This is a selction of images caputered over the last few weeks, add your own comments now by clicking on comments!!!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Surf Cam

Decided to take my camera into the ocean this morning. It was a glorious morning with blazing sunshine and not a breath of wind. Capturing the images was tricky but i managed to squeeze a few interesting angles.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Thursday, August 31, 2006

New website unleashed

Things have been a little hectic at the moment with launching websites, designing brochures and walking dogs. Not my dog though just dog sitting.

Anyway I have also just launched my new site for my Freelance design business web site!

Check it out let me know what you think and if you need anything designed or know of anyone looking for a web/graphic designer then mail me!

click here to mail me


click here to visit the new site!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Perth one month in

Whats been happening ? Finally feeling settled and able to drive around the city with out getting lost. Have been checking out the local beaches and enjoying the food, nightlife Perth has on offer. Pretty chilled really as we are off to Thailand at the end of the month thanks to Kylies ability to win most competitions she enters!

Have managed to fit in a few good surf sessions in the evenings after work and I am currently getting free kite surfing lessons! I will have some very exciting pics of those exploits very soon.

Miss you all ! : )

Outside the house


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Final Stop Perth

Well I have finally made it to Perth WA ! . Had a fantastic voyage through America but alas it was time to get grounded once again. We have been here just over two weeks and a lot of positives have already emerged. I have surfed probably 7 days out of the two weeks in a thin wet suit in great waves just 20 minutes drive from home. On the work side I have just completed project managing a web site for - (not online just yet!) Which has hooked me up with some opportunities which is a real relief on the work front. Otherwise we are slowly sinking our feet into our new surroundings and getting to grips with all things Australian.

Scarborough beach - My local surf spot which can get pretty epic

Lets get down to business : The meagre offices of my latest Freelance design exploits.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The WEDGE!!!

Our final day in the states was spent in Newport beach city. A small hurricane swell has been sending small fun size waves to the coast and the Wedge was turning these waves into 8ft monsters breaking as wide as they where high. The waves where great as long as you where ready to be slammed into dry sand as the waves broke unto the beach. It was like a gladiator pit out there a heavy price to be paid. One board was snapped in half and another guy had to be pulled out of the water after landing on his feet and snapped his leg resulting in an open fracture! I managed to catch a few myself and even found myself inside a deep barrel.

This guy is about to eat it!

A shot of me on a smaller wave, This shot shows some perspective

Heavy waves of consequence