Thursday, August 31, 2006

New website unleashed

Things have been a little hectic at the moment with launching websites, designing brochures and walking dogs. Not my dog though just dog sitting.

Anyway I have also just launched my new site for my Freelance design business web site!

Check it out let me know what you think and if you need anything designed or know of anyone looking for a web/graphic designer then mail me!

click here to mail me


click here to visit the new site!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Perth one month in

Whats been happening ? Finally feeling settled and able to drive around the city with out getting lost. Have been checking out the local beaches and enjoying the food, nightlife Perth has on offer. Pretty chilled really as we are off to Thailand at the end of the month thanks to Kylies ability to win most competitions she enters!

Have managed to fit in a few good surf sessions in the evenings after work and I am currently getting free kite surfing lessons! I will have some very exciting pics of those exploits very soon.

Miss you all ! : )

Outside the house


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Final Stop Perth

Well I have finally made it to Perth WA ! . Had a fantastic voyage through America but alas it was time to get grounded once again. We have been here just over two weeks and a lot of positives have already emerged. I have surfed probably 7 days out of the two weeks in a thin wet suit in great waves just 20 minutes drive from home. On the work side I have just completed project managing a web site for - (not online just yet!) Which has hooked me up with some opportunities which is a real relief on the work front. Otherwise we are slowly sinking our feet into our new surroundings and getting to grips with all things Australian.

Scarborough beach - My local surf spot which can get pretty epic

Lets get down to business : The meagre offices of my latest Freelance design exploits.