The grand Palace Bangkok
Big Bhudda
Me and the Monkeys i know i should have down the monkey pose!
The Journey South toward Ko Samui Overnight Train was fun this vehicle included no mod cons however it did have a party carraige which homed its own karaoke session and lady boys for hire.
This is a Songthaew or Baht Bus - either way it is a piece of shit and we spent a lot of time in the back of these vehicles experiencing breakneck speeds and near death experiences.
This Mummified Monk is about 60 years preserved, the best part is the blues brother shades. Quite disturbing really.
Ko Sok National Park - A rain forest region, a real jewel unfortunately for us it lived up to the name rainforest and rained for exactly 48hrs!
Our canoeing day trip turned out to be a 60minute passenger ride in an inflable toy boat, It was still fun though and we spotted numerous snakes, monkeys and a BIG lizard.
Then we waited some more before being transported to a village on stilts and the infamous 'James Bond Island'
Next Installment coming soon........